Welcome friends!
Today is a warm summer day filled with warm
summer winds...stay cool!
After thoroughly enjoying a stitch filled weekend,
I thought you might enjoy a little sneak peek of the
first kit design for The Sheepish Needle...
This little pewter sheep kindly helped hold my needle
between threadings.
Sunday, was an absolutely beautiful day out,
cool and no humidity!
A perfect day to sit on the back porch and finish
stitching the Willow whips on this Willow tree!
I'm looking forward to the finishing, so I can reveal the
model just as soon as possible.
I have a rabbit keeper who watches over my front porch
I love the gentle and graceful look of Petunia's.
From this angle my rabbit keeper looks a bit shy!
While out rummaging through our sheds,
I thought I'd share some of the great old character marks...
I love, love, love this old weathered sliding door...especially
the "star" hardware!
They sure don't make brackets like this any more...reminds me
of the 4th of July!
This is the inside of our machinery shed...
All the beams are very old and filled with character
Such as the warning marks on this one...probably
put there after accidentally backing into it!
Check out this great old sliding door...
The small white arrow in the center is pointing to a
hand carved date.
Getting a little closer...
Dated September 21, 1908...that's 107 years old!
While at a stop light, this car was in front of me...
I love creative license plates!
~ Studio News~
With endless sampler ideas dancing in my head 24/7,
I've decided I need another life time just for
Knowing that's not a reality...I'll be pushing myself extra
hard to get extra designs finished
between club kits.
I'll keep you updated on my progress!
Have you enjoyed any lovely evening skies lately?
~ Weekly Soul Food ~
The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer;
my God, my strength, in whom I will trust;
my buckler, and the horn of my salvation,
and my high tower.
~ Psalm 18:2...KJV ~
Have a great and productive week my friends.
Please check back on Friday to see what's new at
Scattered Seed Samplers!