Friday, November 9, 2018

Adam & Eve Revealed...

Welcome dear needlefolk friends!

It was so peaceful working in my office today,
because I got to enjoy the first snowfall,
I love watching big fluffy snowflakes 
drifting in the air!

Earlier this week was spent framing 
the Adam & Eve Sampler I've been 
working on, and now I'm finally
ready to share with you!

First, a little close up...
The beguiling serpent! 🐍

Adam & Eve Revealed...

"Mary Wood 1837"
Antique Reproduction A & E Sampler
©2018 Scattered Seed Samplers

Model is stitched on 36ct Dixie Sampler "Apple Butter" linen,
using overdyed threads by WDW and Gentle Art.

Stitch count ~ 239W by 239H

This early 19th century sampler is stitched with a central Tree of Knowledge,
 complete with entwined serpent and Adam & Eve standing beneath its
fruit laden branches.

  Each figure has a Pomegranate motif to their side with floral urns 
above each.

The upper section has the verse, and provenance details which are 
adorned with birds on fruit branches.  The sampler is
surrounded by a meandering carnation border.

~ Verse ~
Satan their prince soon laid a snare
For Adam and Eve that happy pair
They sinned against their God's advice
And lost the sweets of Paradise

~ Provenance ~
The original 181 year old sampler was stitched by Mary Wood,
January of 1837, who was from the United Kingdom.

Close up of the chosen frame...

When I don't have an antique frame in my stash that will
fit a finished sampler my backup method is ordering a custom 
frame from Hobby Lobby.  

 I love the wood, plus I'm very 
pleased with the quality of this Italian frame!


Mary Wood's Adam & Eve Sampler is NOW
AVAILABLE and listed in my Etsy Shop.

To visit the Etsy listing, please click HERE




Located at ~
W4253 County Road B
West Salem, Wisconsin 54669

Please email me at
to stop in during the week.



..."The serpent beguiled me and I did eat."

Genesis 3:13...kjv


My next project is the fourth club kit for 
Prairie Sisters Handworke Club...details coming soon!

Only 12 days until Thanksgiving!  🦃

Harvest Blessings,