Saturday, February 23, 2019

"Birds of A Feather" Club Update...

Welcome dear needlefolk friends!

At last, a "Birds of A Feather" Handworke Club update!
I won't make you wait any longer...thank you for your patience!

"Fruit of the Vine" Needle Roll

And now for a closer look inside this little
rolled up bundle...

Once the ribbon is untied, 
you will be greeted with little feathered friend
holding a berry in its mouth.

Now, we'll take a look at what the front
side looks like once unrolled...
Two feathered friends are perched on a 
meandering vine while feasting upon the 
fruit of the vine!

This angle shows the colors best...
Hope you're liking it so far...there is more to see!

But first, 
Check out the secret little pincushion attached 
to the bottom edge!

And finally, the backside...
A special place to organize your favorite 
stitching needles!

The three standard size cross stitch needles are...

No. 24 ~ Use on 28ct. linen or 14ct. aida cloth
No. 26 ~ Use on 30ct. linen or 16ct. aida cloth
No. 28 ~ Use on 32/36/40ct. linen or 18ct. aida cloth

The little triangular pinkeep is a handy
workspace for pins & needles while stitching!

Supply details are next...
Thread palette has five chosen colors.

Here is a close up look at the chosen linen...
32ct. Country French "Golden Needle" linen
(two pieces ~ one for the front & one for the back)

Layered between the two pieces of linen...
A lovely super soft piece of flannel to give
the "needle roll" a nice texture.

Civil War Reproduction fabric...
Used to make the little triangular pinkeep.

"Smoke Grey" is used for the embellishments.

 It's never to late to join ...
Memberships are available through my Etsy Shoppe,
complete details are provided in the listing.

To go directly to the listing, please click HERE

The scheduled ship date for club kits is
Wednesday, March 6th.

Next week, I'll be posting the club winner
for the quarterly Antique Sewing Notion giveaway!


Also, offered separately in my Etsy Shoppe 
are my favorite stitching needles...

If you don't already have the three standard
size needles in your stash ~

My personal favorite cross stitch needles are by
John James of Worcestershire, England (Est. 1840.)

These are the "Finest Quality" needles in my opinion!

What makes these needles different is the shorter (petite) shaft,
which is so wonderful to hold in your hand while stitching, 
plus because there is less needle shaft in the way,
you are able to keep stitching using almost all of your 
thread (much less waste.)  

Also, with this shorter needle you'll be able to stitch 


Please remember...
to feed the "Feathered Friends" in your backyard!


Soul Food...

"I am the vine, ye are the branches:
He that abideth in me, and I in him,
the same bringeth forth much fruit: 
for without me ye can do nothing."

John 15:5...KJV


I'm seriously breaking up with "Old Man Winter"...
looking forward to "Mr. Spring" bringing me flowers!

Until next time, stay warm my friends!
Kindly, Tammy