Friday, December 2, 2016

Early Workbasket ~ "Code of Instructions for Ladies 1827"

Welcome dear needlefolk friends!

Can you believe Christmas is just around 
the corner...will you be ready?


For today's Early Workbasket feature I would
 like to share with you some interesting
 history from the 19th century...

During the 19th century women in America
had never lacked instruction on how to behave,
this material greatly increased, spurred by the growing
literacy rate among women, an increase in their 
leisure time, and the invention of lower~cost 
printing machinery.

Spiritual sustenance became available to women 
of all economic levels via newspapers, manner books,
and magazines.  

The pioneer magazine in ladies' how~to literature,
The Lady's Book, started in 1830 by Louis A. Godey
and soon known as Godey's Lady's Book.

Even daily newspapers served as advisers
 to women.  On November 28, 1827, a 
"Code of Instructions for Ladies" in the
Baltimore American & Commercial Daily Advertiser
summarized society's expectations of its women...

1.  Let every wife be persuaded that there are two ways
   of governing a family; the first is by the expression
of that will which belongs to force; the second by 
the power of mildness.  One is the power of the 
husband; the wife should never employ any other
arms than gentleness...

2.  Avoid contradicting your husband...

3.  Occupy yourself only with your household affairs...

4.  Never take upon yourself to be  censor of your
husband's morals...

5.  Command his attention by being always 
attentive to him...

6.  All men are vain, never wound this vanity...A wife
 may have more sense than her husband, but
she should never seem to know it...

7.  When a man gives wrong counsel, never
make him feel that he has done so...

8.  When a husband is out of temper, 
behave obligingly to him...

9.  Choose well your female friends;
have but few...

10.  Cherish neatness without luxury,
and pleasure without excess;
dress with taste, and 
particularly with modesty...

11.  Never be curious to pry into your
 husband's concerns...

12.  Seem always to obtain information from him,
especially before company, though you 
may pass yourself for a simpleton.  Never
forget that a wife owes all her importance to 
that of her husband. Leave him entirely master
of his actions, to go and come whenever he
thinks fit.


Wow, what a list of rules to live by,
times have certainly changed...don't you think!

A woman had always been considered a jewel
in her husband's you think that is still
true in today's society?


Schoolgirl Samplar Club Update...

Unfortunately, one of the Weeks Dye Works threads
is on back order, as soon as it arrives I'll be able
to provide you with a ship date!

I'm so very sorry for the unexpected delay!


Farm Shop will be open on Saturday...

If you're in the area,
please stop by...I'd LOVE to meet YOU!

Our Farm Shop is located at ~
W4253 County Road B
West Salem, Wisconsin 54669
(608) 799~4418

If Saturday's don't fit into your schedule,
please call to make arrangements for
a weekday!


Weekend Soul Food...

Who can find a virtuous woman?
For her price is far above rubies.

The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her,
so that he shall have no need of spoil.

She will do him good and not evil all 
the days of her life.

Proverbs 31:10~12...KJV


Hope you enjoyed today's 
Early Workbasket!

Enjoy a wonderful weekend,


  1. Wow what an interesting read Tammy have to say I'm glad I believe that women are held to a better standard then that now but still have a glass ceiling to get through in many things! Enjoy your weekend, blessings...

  2. I really loved those rules....thank you for sharing them. Mind if I borrow them?

  3. Tammy, there are many pearls of wisdom in some of those "rules", perhaps we could revive a few of them, ( though not all!) It seems that men are shown a lot less respect these days than in the past and the world is a sadder place for it. I have a Godeys Lady book somewhere in my collection. The books were full of stories as well. I hope your shop is getting some traffic, I do wish I could visit.

  4. DH told the minister to leave out "and obey" when we were married. We grew up together, and he knew that I had a mind of my own, and telling me not to do something was just inviting trouble because I would go ahead and do it anyway. I'm the person who sees the "wet paint" sign and touches it to see if it is dry, etc.. :-) Grandma was the same way, and she was born in 1880! And heaven help my dad if he told my mother not to do something! Our SIL has already discovered that "rules for ladies" do not apply to my daughter. Must run in the family..... :-)
