Welcome dear needlefolk friends!
Sure hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Christmas!
I've been so busy cleaning and planning in
anticipation for the New Year just around the corner!
After lots of thought & sleepless nights,
the club name has been chosen for
2018's New Handwork Club,
I'm excited to announce...

Coming Soon...all the details will be released
next week!
This past week has been SO COOOOLD,
the temps here in Wisconsin are making me go
into hibernation mode!
Our furnace can hardly keep up with
the bitterly cold temps outside,
so baking something yummy
always warms up the old
farmhouse kitchen...
Two of my favorites,
Spaghetti and Butternut Squash...yum!
Plus, just staying super busy cleaning and moving
around really helps to stay warm!
This past few weeks I've been reorganizing my
work space, putting my new Apple Computer into
my little library room in the farmhouse!
Surrounding my new work area with some of my favorite things!
For the past four years I've been doing all my
designing out in my Studio,
which is outside in a separate building...I'm
beyond excited for this new change!
Sam found me this sweet little green handled iron for Christmas!
My old computer will be used only for shipping,
which will remain out in the Studio area.
A glimpse of my basket in the evening light!
I'll share more pics once I finish my reorganization project!
This weekend I'm planning on packing away
my little friends that only come out at Christmas time...
It's aways sad to pack away these special old
friends that brings such joy to my heart during the
Christmas season!
But, I know how good it will feel to have
the farmhouse back to normal on
January 1st!
I'm a creature that thrives on routine & organization,
anything else stresses me out!
Time passes so quickly,
and I'm really looking forward
to bringing in the New Year
clean & tidy!
2017 has been an amazing year,
filled will many trials and many victories!
Due to the frigid temperatures ~
will be closed on Saturday...
Hopefully it will be warmer next weekend!
Weekend Soul Food...
Create in me a clean heart, O God;
and renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from thy presence;
and take not thy holy spirit from me.
Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation;
and uphold me with thy free spirit.
Psalms 51:10~12...kjv
Wishing you a happy weekend,
see you next year!
Lovingly, Tammy