Monday, November 13, 2017

My New Chariot!

Welcome dear needlefolk friends!

I'm happy to say I'm finally back after being out
 of circulation for the past several weeks! 

After several family emergencies
it was necessary to take some time off...
more details later in this post!

First things first, 
a much needed update for 
The Early Maiden Workbasket Club...

The fourth and final club kit for 2017 
is currently in the works!

I'm still trying to make my final decision on which
of these two Civil War Reproduction fabrics 
to use for this special project.

This week I'll be working on the design,
and things will start falling into place...sorry
I'm running behind schedule!

This will be a sweet practical item that you
would have found in the humble home 
of an early maiden!

More updates to follow in the coming weeks!


Next up,
please meet my new chariot...
My new ride is a 2018
Kia "Soul" in the color "Wild Orange"

In 2016 my Chariot was "White"...

Every two years I like up upgrade to 
 a fun new color!

My first "Soul" was in  2014 
and that Chariot was "Mocha"...
As you can tell I'm in love with the 
Kia Souls, such a fun reliable ride, plus they
get great gas mileage!


Now, for my family emergencies...
My husband had an emergency 
Vitrectomy (eye surgery),
on his right eye.

Several months ago he had the same procedure
on his left eye, which was unfortunately  followed 
with some complications, needless to say it
has been a very stressful time and the thought
 of having it done a second time
was very overwhelming!

We have spent many days back and forth to
Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, 
but I must share a hidden Chapel 
deep within the walls of
Mayo's St. Mary's 

While my husband Bill was in surgery
my son Samuel and I decided to follow the 
signs that read "Chapel", 
 as we approached the entrance, doors just
 automatically opened, leading us first
through this entrance.

We both commented on this lovely Crucifix!

As we kept walking, not really sure what to expect,
what we found took our breath away...
We felt like we had been raptured and entered
into a different world!

We were expecting a small little chapel area,
but this is a very large church within the
hospital walls...marble pillars, carved statues
and lots of stained glass windows!

This was very early in the morning,
still dark outside, Sam and I nealt together
while Sam prayed out loud for his dad!

Samuel's prayer was so touching,
and the tears that fills our eyes will be
a memory that will live in my heart 

This was the view outside of Bill's recovery 
you see the sweet little birds nest?

So far, this surgery is looking more successful!


We were not prepared for what followed...

My husband received a phone call the following
morning after his surgery from his younger
brother informing him that their father
had just passed away!

My father~in~law was 89 years old,
and a pillar in our community for many years!

Serving as a LaCrosse, Wisconsin Police 
Officer for 24 years, and as the Sheriff 
of La Crosse County for 10 years.

Tuesday was the funeral, 
here is a picture of my husband Bill & I...

It was a very chilly day,
so my winter coat felt mighty fine!

Funeral's are always a difficult time!


"For God so loved the world, 
that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish,
but have everlasting life."

John 3:16...kjv


It feels really good to be back out in my
Studio getting caught up on things!

Much Love,


  1. I have been worried about Bill. I’m glad this surgery was a better experience. Please tell him we are sorry about the loss of his father.

  2. Condolences to you and Bill on your loss. It is never easy.
    Thankfully this surgery went better than the last one. So scary.
    That chapel is breathtaking. Thank you for sharing.
    You are a beautiful couple.
    Hugs :)

  3. Sorry to hear about your FIL, my condolences.
    Glad your husband's surgery went better this time.
    The Chapel is gorgeous, and a very nice pic of you two also.
    I love your Pumpkin Carriage! :)

  4. So very sorry for your loss. Glad the surgery went well and the that you have a gorgeous new car!

  5. Sorry about your family's loss. Glad your husband is going well after surgery. Thank you for sharing wonderful pictures.

  6. What a most difficult time for Bill. For you all. I am truly sorry, but so glad that you will all be reunited once again. The chapel you shared with us is wonderful! So is your new car. ;)

  7. Tammy: So good to hear this surgery went well.
    The Chapel is beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes when you talked about praying for your Husband.
    I am sad to hear you lost your Father-in-Law, I hope you are all healing from the loss, I will put I will put you and your family in daily prayers.
    I am happy you have a new Chariot, it is a beauty, totally love the color.


  8. Oh Tammy, such a sweet, heart warming story. Blessings to you and your family. What a beautiful find, so unexpected... more like a sign of protection.
    Sending you and yours Glad Thanksgiving Wishes, with Peace and Blessings for all, Barb

  9. Pretty projects and great idea,Thank you for the tutorial and for sharing !


  10. อัพเดทใหม่ไฉไลกว่าเดิมเพื่มเติมสุดคือ

