Monday, October 16, 2017

Prim & Proper Peek...

Welcome dear needlefolk friends!

I love Monday because...

~ it's a clean slate!
~ last week is now in the past!
~ fresh start!
~ new opportunities!

Hoping YOUR new week started out on the right foot!


Prim & Proper Pinkeep Club
~ Sneak Peek ~

But first, let me introduce you to the Studio's
newest little squirrely fellow...

Some things are just meant to be...

Several months ago I purchased this fellow
as a "Buy It Now" on Ebay, after a week
had passed it showed that the seller
still had not shipped the item, so
I messaged the seller and to my
horror he replied back that he
could not find the squirrel anywhere 
in his inventory...SAY WHAT!

Sadly, he cancelled my order
and refunded my money!

BUT, out of the blue a couple of weeks ago,
 he emailed and said he found the squirrel...we were
both so happy!

The timing was perfect, 
as this little fellow was truly meant
to be my cover model for this project!

Now, for the sneak peek...

The stitching is all complete,
now for the finishing!

This was my lucky day at the post office...

Club kit "thank you charms" arrived 
from the United Kingdom...Yay!

Love these sweet little squirrely dudes!

It's never too late to join,
if you join now you will also receive the 
first two club kits, 

Kit No. One...
"Adam & Eve" Pinkeep Drum & Apple Scissor Fob

Kit No. Two...
"Midsummer's Day" Tailors Roll & Needlekeep Necklace

Memberships are available through my
Etsy visit the listing click HERE


On Sunday, I found the sweetest little treasure...

"Daily Praise"...only $1.00
This wee little book only measures 2.5"W by 3.5"H

It's filled with a daily scripture verse
 for every day of the year!

It's the same size as another sweet 
book I found this summer,
 titled "Daily Duty"!


Monday Manna...

Keep my commandments, and live;
and my law as the apple of thine eye.

Proverbs 7:2...kjv


Well friends, 
I'm off to finish up that pinkeep!

Have a lovely evening,
Kindly, Tammy


  1. Wow, that sweet squirrel is certainly meant to be yours.

  2. Tammy: Beautiful finds you are one lucky Lady.
    I like the sneek peak very intriguing.


  3. I'm glad Mr. Squirrel finally made his way to your house. :)
    That looks like a pretty design, the backing fabric is so pretty too.
