Welcome dear needlefolk friends!
Sharing with you today is a sneak peek of the
Antique Reproduction Sampler for
Lydia Barnes Pidgeon 1827...
The Verse is finally finished, and
ready to reveal Lydia's words of Wisdom...
Wisdom is attained by the exertion of your intellectual power by
The lessons of intelligent Tutors by the instruction and conduct of
Worthy parents by the perusal of the best Authors, and by
Attendance on public Worship and by copying the Example of Jesus
Who increased in Wisdom and stature, and in favour with God
And Man __________________________________________

Finished so far are the three borders,
the Verse (near the top),
the provenance line (near the bottom),
many of the floral motifs...now to finish up
the last couple floral motifs on top and the main
center motif!
Check out these wonderful antique thimbles
my husband gifted me...
Found them at a little antique shop in
Eyota, Minnesota...he only paid $2.00 each!!!
They are all Sterling Silver,
and several of them have engraved
initials on them!
Nature's bookends...
Took this picture of
two deer resting in our woods...so
beautiful and content!
It's a chilly spring in Wisconsin,
but enjoyed my first outdoor walk on the farm...
Wild Chives are peeking through
last year's old Sweet Grass!
will be...
this Saturday...taking time to celebrate
Easter with family!
We will be open next Saturday, April 7th.
Soul Food...
"For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish,
but have everlasting life"
John 3:16...kjv
Wishing everyone a happy and peaceful Easter!
Soulfully, Tammy
(Studio Rabbits keeping watch!)