Friday, March 9, 2018

Springing ahead...

Welcome dear needlefolk friends!

Life is good and springing ahead with 
daylights savings time is like icing on the cake!

Sometimes it's hard to believe just how quickly 
time passes by, two years ago I started designing a rabbit 
design but sadly it never got finished!

Last year I had good intensions of finishing it, 
but that didn't happen either!

But, this week I finally finished charting the design!

Here's one of my little helpers giving his "paw of approval"!

with the inspiring help of a few
Studio rabbit friends..the linen & threads 
were carefully chosen!

The model is being stitched on 
32ct WDW "Straw" linen,
and overdyed threads.

Started stitching late last night...a sneak peek of "Rabbit Ears"

Now, I look to my little friends once again as I ponder
the title name for this new pattern!

Yes, this weekend will be filled with the 
joy of non stop stitching!

The new pattern will be released in 
 the next few weeks!



Oh my goodness...only 11 days until Spring!

Please meet my sweet backyard friend Abby!

A few years ago Abby and I became the best of friends 
and her memory will live in my heart forever!

She loved having her picture taken, 
this is one of my favorite photos of Abby 
grazing on fresh dandelions! 


Guess what I love to do while I'm stitching?

That's's the best time for me to drain
my brain and jot down all those random 
to~do's that are floating around
in my head!



We will re~open next weekend!


Soul Food...

"He that hath no rule over his own spirit 
is like a city that is broken down, 
and without walls."

Proverbs 25:28...kjv

Sometimes I really struggle with self~control,
but seeking God's Word and allowing it to seep into my heart
and mind accomplishes many things;
good things, powerful things, things that 
help me to react and display 
self~control in a graceful,
godly way!


Wishing all my needlefolk friends
a stitch filled weekend!

Kindly, Tammy


  1. Your rabbit pictures are gorgeous....I love rabbits myself.
    Spring is just around the corner here in the UK..too.

  2. Cute Rabbit ears!
    I remember little Abby, she's all grown up now. :)
    Cute Bunny collection.

  3. ❤❤❤ lovely bunny ears sneak peak...

  4. I just love your bunny pincushions!!!

  5. Looking forward to seeing the new design! I love to cross-stitch bunnies!

  6. Tammy: the sneak peek has me anxious to see your new design, will this be a four part series? Or a stand alone design, I am hoping for a series myself.

    Spring yahoo is almost here.

