Tuesday, December 4, 2018

"Hand and Heart" Stitcher's Mat

Welcome dear needlefolk friends!

My sincere apologies to all club members, 
my absence has been too long, but tis the season for overwhelming
distractions that have been completely out of my control!

Thank you so much for your patience in 
waiting to see the club project! 

Prairie Sisters last kit for 2018...

"Hand & Heart" Stitcher's Mat
©2018 Scattered Seed Samplers

Finished size is approximately 
9.5"W by 7.25"H

The chosen Civil War Reproduction Fabric
is used on the backside of the mat and 
 the pinkeep heart on the frontside.

32ct Country French "Golden Needle" is the chosen linen,
and Havana Gold Ribbon to attach the heart.

A little peek of the backside.

Congratulation to club member 
Ronda Trainer...your initials "RT" were chosen 
to be stitched on the model!

Also, congratulation goes to club member 
Margaret Johnson whose name was drawn for 
 the club antique gift drawing.

Chosen from my personal stash of antique sewing 
 goodies, this old shoe pinkeep with its original worn and 
faded red fabric reminds me of Christmas!

Hope you like it Margaret...shipping to you this week.

Reflections from 2018's
Prairie Sisters Handworke Club...

Kit No. 1
Prairie Sisters Scissor Mat

Kit No. 2
"Sisters of the Faith" Pinkeep Drum

Kit No. 3
"Kindred Hearts" Needlekeeper

Kit No. 4
"Hand & Heart" Stitcher's Mat

These four kits are now retired 
BUT are still available through my Etsy Shop,
you would receive all four of the above kits.

To go directly to the listing, please click HERE



I must start decorating the farmhouse for Christmas...

Just found out last night that our oldest son 
Lieutenant Colonel Nathan and family
are back in the USA after being on a 
two year assignment in Africa.

We thought they would be arriving here AFTER Christmas BUT
instead they are NOW expected BEFORE Christmas...the 
pressure is on to get everything done on my to~do list!

My plan is to "guard my peace" with quiet time by myself
to savor some solitude amid the crazy that is in my life!


Christmas Blessings To All,
Kindly, Tammy


  1. This is a gorgeous project!
    Congrats to your son & family fro being able to come home, especially for Christmas!!
    Have fun decorating, and don't get too stressed out!

  2. Just beautiful Tammy...enjoy your time with family so precious many blessings decorating will be beautiful whatever gets done as we know it’s the Spirit

  3. Tammy this is wonderful! I have enjoyed this club so very much.
    I hope that you have a new club planned for 2019.
    All the best to you and yours for a merry Christmas.

  4. Please thank your son for his service.
    God Bless America 🇺🇸

  5. wonderful to have your son and family home for Christmas. Will the club pieces eventually be sold as individual charts/kits? I don't usually enroll in clubs because I can't keep up with them and they pile up and there they sit. I love the stitchers mat. Thanks and enjoy the season - Mel

  6. Your Stitchers Mat is gorgeous !!
    Missing you in this space. Hope all is well.
